What is Ealiox?

Ealiox® [ / e-LIX / ] is a social-community platform developed by Ealiox Inc. A prominent feature of Ealiox is the democratized micro-earning opportunities presented to Club Members. For business users and content promoters, Ealiox PRO offers ultra simplified advertising and commerce solutions.

Our Story

Ealiox began as an experimental project to test new and simpler forms of social interaction and marketing outreach. Our strategy to accomplishing this was to find a common ground between the advertisers that fund social platforms and the users that give their attention to the platform. By introducing a blockchain-based token system, we intricately designed our platform to not only benefit our advertisers (Ealiox PRO Members), but the target audience (Ealiox Club Members) of our platform as well. Club Members of our social platform are not interrupted with intrusive Ads; but rather, they enjoy a carefully curated catalog of promotional contents that is sectioned for them to browse at their own accord. We firmly believe that simplicity is the greatest form of sophistication; for this reason, we make our solutions so simple, you probably already know how to use it!

Our Team

We are a self-funded team of experienced professionals focused on human interactions, digital marketing and AI. Collectively, our team expertise is comprised of Cyber Security SME’s, Software engineers, Blockchain developers and Digital Marketing experts. To deliver our best service we have partnered with world renowned service integration providers and an incredible set of advisors.

Our Vision

For our Club Members:

To preserve the need for individuals to connect with their favorite people and brands without feeling bombarded with intrusive Ads and overstimulation that could impact mental health.

For our PRO Members:

To foster an ultra simplified and civilized marketing outreach platform that provides significant attention value to content promoters of all sizes; all while maintaining utmost respect for user data privacy.